Create your BASIC WILL for a Single Person

Terms and Conditions for your BASIC WILL for a single person. You must agree to the folowing Terms and Conditions.  These Trems and Conditions create the legal services agreement between us allowing me to create your BASIC WILL for you.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: You must accept these terms and conditions which establish our Limited Scope Legal Service Agreement for this matter.

I am only licensed to practice law in North Dakota and Minnesota. By using this website you are asking me to create a North Dakota or Minesota Will for you.

I will review the information that you provide with this form and prepare your BASIC WILLS for a single person for a fee of $170.00. The $170.00 fee can be paid by sending me a check at: Al Baker Attorney @ Law, 1336 25th Avenue South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103, OR paying by credit card through my website (I will also send you an email with a link to make a payment online by credit using my Lawpay account).

Your BASIC WILL includes: 1. A statement that all prior Wills are revoked; 2. Instructions that all legal debts and expenses be paid, including taxes and medical and funeral expenses; 3. Appointment of a Personal Representative and an alternate Personal Representative to serve without bond; 4. A provision for a Separate Writing to dispose of tangible personal property as allowed by North Dakota law; 5. Designation of Beneficiaries to receive a set percentage of your residuary estate (If a Beneficiary dies before you, then your Will provides that the deceased Beneficiary’s share will go to that Beneficiary’s surviving children, if the deceased Beneficiary has no surviving children then that share will go to your surviving Beneficiaries according to the shares you have determined that they will receive.); 6. Appointment of a Guardian for your minor children; 7. Establishes a testamentary Trust for your Beneficiaries and a minimum age for distribution of the Trust; and 8. Appoints a Trustee to manage your testamentary Trust.

These are the standard provisions in a BASIC WILL for a single person, if these provisions are not acceptable then you cannot use this BASIC WILL and should consider using my DELUXE WILL or my COMPLEX WILL.

Your BASIC WILL will be drafted based on the information you provide. Your BASIC WILL will be emailed to you at the email address that you have provided with instructions for scheduling an appointment with me to review your draft Will. The appointment will be an online meeting, a telephone conference or an an in-person meeting at my Fargo office. After the scheduled conference your final BASIC WILL will be emailed to you with instructions for signing your WILL. It is your responsibility to follow the signing instructions and properly sign your Will. You may chose to make an appointment to come to my Fargo office to sign your Will.

I am being retained to prepare BASIC WILL for a single person based on the information you have provided. This is a limited scope legal service agreement. You have not hired me to make sure your BASIC WILL is properly signed. You have not hired me to monitor your situation in the future to determine if the documents that have been prepared remain appropriate for you. The service that I am providing is for your benefit only and is not being provided for the benefit of any heir or devisee that you may have or designate.

Before starting to fill out you Information Form you may want to download and review my INSTRUCTION BOOKLET.

The INSTRUCTION BOOKLET describes the information that you will need to complete your Information Form and allows you to make notes before starting to fill out the Information Form.

Complete this Google Form and “SUBMIT” it.

Your information is automatically transfered to me.  I will prepare your WILL and contact you to schedule a conference to review your WILL.  After we have reviewed your WILL together I will send your WILL to you.

The fee for your BASIC WILL is $170. If you have requested that I prepare a General Power of Attorney for you there is an additional fee of $40. If you have requested I prepare a Health Care Power of Attorney for you there is an additional fee of $40.00. Please pay your fee now through my LawPay account.